Source code for frontend._parse_

import re
import os
from typing import Any

[docs] class CppRustDocStringParser:
[docs] @staticmethod def get_logging_docstrings(root: str) -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]: result = {} doc = {} par_name = None desc = "" description_mode = False def clear(): nonlocal doc nonlocal desc nonlocal description_mode doc = {} desc = "" description_mode = False def register(name): nonlocal par_name nonlocal doc nonlocal desc nonlocal description_mode if "Name" in doc.keys(): if desc: doc["Description"] = desc if par_name: doc["filename"] = f"{par_name}.{name}.out" else: doc["filename"] = f"{name}.out" if "Map" in doc: name = doc["Map"] del doc["Map"] result[name.replace("_", "-")] = doc.copy() clear() def extract_name(line): start = line.find('"') + 1 end = line.find('"', start) name = line[start:end].replace(" ", "_") return name def parse_line(line: str): nonlocal par_name nonlocal description_mode nonlocal desc nonlocal doc if line.strip() == "": clear() skip_lables = ["File", "Author", "License", "https"] if line.startswith("//"): content = line.strip("//").strip() if description_mode: if desc: desc += " " desc += content elif content.startswith("Description:"): description_mode = True elif ":" in content: fields = content.split(":") label = fields[0].strip() for skip_label in skip_lables: if label == skip_label: return content = fields[1].strip() doc[label] = content elif line.startswith("SimpleLog logging"): par_name = "" name = extract_name(line) register(name) par_name = name elif line.startswith("/*== push"): register(extract_name(line)) elif "logging.push(" in line: register(extract_name(line)) elif "logging.mark(" in line: register(extract_name(line)) for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(root): for filename in filenames: par_name = "" if filename != "": if filename.endswith(".cu") or filename.endswith(".rs"): path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) lines = open(path, "r").readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if "#include" not in line: parse_line(line) result = dict(sorted(result.items())) return result
class ParamParser: @staticmethod def get_default_params(path: str) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Get the default parameters. Args: path (str): The path to the file. Returns: dict[str, Any]: The default parameters. """ att_pattern = re.compile(r"#\[(.*?)\]") field_pattern = re.compile(r"pub\s+(\w+):\s*([^,]+),?") struct_start_pattern = re.compile(r"^pub\s+struct\s+Args\s*\{") struct_end_pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*\}") curr_attributes = [] inside_struct = False result = {} doc = {} var_type = None description_mode = False description = "" def parse_line(line): nonlocal doc nonlocal description_mode nonlocal description nonlocal var_type if line.strip().startswith("pub"): parts = line.strip().split() if len(parts) > 2: var_type = parts[2].rstrip(",") if line.strip().startswith("//"): line = line.strip("// ").strip() if "Do not list" in line: doc["list"] = False if line.startswith("Description:"): description_mode = True else: if description_mode: if description: description += " " description += line else: try: fields = line.split(":") field = fields[0].strip() text = fields[1].strip() doc[field] = text except Exception as _: pass def clear_doc(): nonlocal doc nonlocal description_mode nonlocal description nonlocal var_type doc = {"list": True} description_mode = False description = "" var_type = None with open(path, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.rstrip() if not inside_struct: if struct_start_pattern.match(line.strip()): inside_struct = True continue parse_line(line) if struct_end_pattern.match(line.strip()): break if not line.strip() or line.strip().startswith("//"): continue attr_match = att_pattern.match(line.strip()) if attr_match: curr_attributes.append( else: field_match = field_pattern.match(line.strip()) if field_match: field_name ="_", "-") default_value = None for attr in curr_attributes: clap_match = re.match(r"clap\((.*?)\)", attr) if clap_match: args = arg_list = re.findall( r'(?:[^,"]|"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*")+', args ) for arg in arg_list: arg = arg.strip() if "=" in arg: key, value = map(str.strip, arg.split("=", 1)) value = value.strip('"').strip("'") if "default_value" in key: default_value = value if default_value is not None: try: float_value = float(default_value) default_value = ( int(float_value) if float_value.is_integer() else float_value ) except ValueError: pass doc["Description"] = description result[field_name] = { "value": default_value, "type": var_type, "doc": doc, } clear_doc() curr_attributes = [] else: curr_attributes = [] result = dict(sorted(result.items())) return result